Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Point Casinos

The third chapter will have the Liquid Restaking Tokens (LRTs).

With this, you will be able to access all the features, including trading PT and YT and providing liquidity.

Over the course of several weeks following the launch, numerous yield-bearing assets will be gradually listed at the Points Casinos.

At Point Casinos, you have the opportunity to earn Napier points in addition to points like EigenLayer or existing LRT points. The base points remain unchanged from Chapter 2 and are as follows.

Base Napier points:

  • Hold Napier Pool LP tokens (per unit per hour): 8pts

  • Hold any Curve LPT (per unit per hour):4pts

  • Hold any YT (per unit per hour): 2pts


Napier point multipliers vary by pool and match the multiplier offered by the LRT project. For example, if ynETH has an 10x points multiplier, the base Napier points will also be multiplied by 10.


Chapter 3 is expected to last for a month, followed by chapter 4.

How It Works

Through Napier, manage all points and yields on a single platform.

  • If you’re a point hunter, buy YT to leverage your points exposure cost-effectively. You’ll earn LRT/Eigenlayer points and additional Napier points.

  • If you’re a conservative investor, skip the points and secure a juicy fixed yield.

  • Alternatively, by providing liquidity, earn CRV/CVX incentives, LRT yields, and swap fees while also collecting multiple layers of points.

Last updated