You can view the Napier liquidity pools here. Additionally, you can also access Napier-related pools through the Curve UI.
The liquidity in Napier V2 is composed of PT and YBT (underlying assets), so holding an LP position means you hold both PT and YBT underlying asset positions simultaneously. In other words, your LP position earns yield and rewards from the following sources:
PT Fixed Yield: Earned by holding PT.
Underlying Asset Yield and Rewards: Earned by holding the underlying assets.
Swap Fees: Derived from PT and YT swaps, with yield automatically compounded.
Napier Point: See the Napier Point guide for details.
$NPR Incentives: Coming soon.
Provide Liquidity - Manual
Go to Pool page
Select your desired pool to provide liquidity
Choose your input assets to zap with
Enter your transaction amount
Control your slippage tolerance with the Gear icon in the top right
Approve the transaction and provide liquidity!
Receive an LP token.
Provide Liquidity - Zap
When liquidity is zapped in, a portion of the underlying asset is used to purchase PT from the PT/YBT pool, and the rest is wrapped into YBT:
Go to Pool page
Select your desired pool to provide liquidity
Your input assets are automatically converted to the required assets to provide liquidity
Your input assets are automatically converted to the underlying asset. Portion of the underlying assets are minted into PT and YT.
PT are paired with underlying assets to provide liquidity
Receive an LP token and the corresponding YT
Remove Liquidity - Zap
Go to Pool page
Select your desired pool to remove liquidity
Choose your output assets to zap with
Enter your transaction amount of LP tokens
Control your slippage tolerance with the Gear icon in the top right
Approve the transaction and remove liquidity
Receive the output assets you chose
Remove Liquidity - Manual
Go to Pool page
Select your desired pool to remove liquidity
Enter your transaction amount of LP tokens
Control your slippage tolerance with the Gear icon in the top right
Approve the transaction and remove liquidity
Receive underlying assets with the corresponding PT
Last updated