This document contains the formulas used to calculate the data like APY, Volume, and TVL for Napier Protocols.
Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
The annual percentage yield (APY) is the interest rate or yield earned on your investment in one year, including compounding interest. A higher APY is better as your return will be higher.
Net APY is the overall annual percentage yield after considering all yields and any other rewards on yield-bearing tokens.
Net APY comes in two part, below are how to calculate each of them.
Interest APY
Interest APY represents the 7-day moving average yield rate of the underlying asset. This approach allows a more accurate indication of the underlying yield over a period of time, which can help traders to better estimate the Future Average Interest APY.
Reward APR
Reward APR is the estimation of the current APR for the rewards of the underlying assets. Rewards = returns in the reward token, and it’s not auto-compounding by default.
Implied APY
Implied APY is the market consensus of the future APY of an asset. This value is calculated based on the ratio of the price of YT to PT and the formula is shown below. When used in conjunction with the Underlying APY, Implied APY can be used to establish the relative valuation of an asset such as YT and PT at their current price, and help traders determine their trading strategies.
The value of Implied Yield is numerically equivalent to the to Fixed Yield APY.
Effective Implied APY
Effective Implied APY is the APY based on the actual rate that the user used to swap.
Fixed APY
Fixed APY is the guaranteed yield you will receive by holding PT. This value is numerically equivalent to the Implied APY.
Effective Fixed APY
Effective Fixed APY is the Fixed APY based on the actual rate that the user used to swap.
Fixed Maturity Profit
Fixed Maturity Profit is the profit at maturity, expressed in the underlying token.
Long (Yield)APY
Long (Yield) APY is the approximated return (annualized) from buying YT at the current price, assuming underlying APY remains constant at its current value. This value can be negative, meaning that the total value of all the future yield based on the Underlying APY will be less than the cost of buying YT.
Interest Returns: The returns from interest for holding 1 YT until expiry:
Rewards Returns: The returns from rewards (assumed linear over time):
Total YT Returns: The sum of interest and rewards returns:
YT Returns After Fee: Accounting for a 3% fee on the YT yield (i.e. scaling down by 97%):
Long Yield APY: If you start with a YT priced at , then after you receive an additional (in terms of the base asset). The APY is calculated by annualizing the total return:
Yield (Point) Leverage
Yield (Point) Leverage is the multiplied exposure on yield or points by holding YT beyond what your principal normally earns.
Pool APY
Pool APY is the overall APY from TwoCryptoNG Curve after considering all yields and any other rewards on LP positions.
Volume is the the number of shares or contracts traded in an asset over a period of time.
TVL (Total Value Locked)
TVL (Total Value Locked) is the total amount of assets currently deposited in the Napier protocol.
Pool TVL
Pool TVL is the total value locked within a specific liquidity pool.
PT and YT TVL is the current value of the total issued amount of a specific PT and YT.
Current AUM
Current AUM is the current value of assets under management by a specific curator.
is the total number of market curators.
represents the TVL of the market curator.
Cumulative AUM
Cumulative AUM is the total historical value of assets that a curator have been managed since inception.
is the total number created by curator.
represents the TVL of the created by curator.
Cumulative Fees Earned
Cumulative fees earned are the total fees collected by a curator across all transactions over time.
Underlying asset TVL
Underlying asset TVL is the total value locked in the underlying assets across the protocol.
Last updated